Configuration for mediator agent (Node.js), edge agents (React Native), and ledger (VON) using Aries Framework JavaScript


  1. Run a Node.js agent that can mediate connections and also issue verifiable credentials to other agents.
  2. Run two React Native agents that both use the Node.js agent as a mediator.
  3. Create a mediated connection between the two React Native agents and send basic messages between them.
  4. Issue verifiable credentials from the Node.js agent to the React Native agents.
  5. Allow the React Native agents to request, present, and verify proof of each other's credentials.

Development environment

Initial Setup


  1. Installed Libindy for Linux to be used by Node.js agent


  1. Cloned into /server
  2. Renamed /server/aries-framework-javascript to /server/afj

React Native

  1. Created a new React Native project at /server/mywallet
  2. Added the following packages to the project:
  1. Installed Libindy for Android & iOS according to the guides




  1. Cloned into /server/von-network
  2. Built the von-network project
cd /server/von-network
./manage build
  1. Started VON
cd /server/von-network
./manage start --logs
  1. The VON webserver is now accessible at either of these URLs:


Mediator agent configuration on Node.js

  1. Created /server/afj/config/von/pool-config.ts
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
var genesis_file_1 = require("./genesis-file");
var config = {
  id: "VON",
  genesisTransactions: genesis_file_1["default"],
  isProduction: false,
exports["default"] = config;
  1. Visited the VON webserver UI located at and clicked the "Genesis Transaction" button to download the JSON needed for the genesis file.
  2. Created /server/afj/config/von/genesis-file.ts using the downloaded genesis transaction JSON.
export default `{"reqSignature":{},"txn":{"data":{"data":{"alias":"Node1","blskey":"4N8aUNHSgjQVgkpm8nhNEfDf6txHznoYREg9kirmJrkivgL4oSEimFF6nsQ6M41QvhM2Z33nves5vfSn9n1UwNFJBYtWVnHYMATn76vLuL3zU88KyeAYcHfsih3He6UHcXDxcaecHVz6jhCYz1P2UZn2bDVruL5wXpehgBfBaLKm3Ba","blskey_pop":"RahHYiCvoNCtPTrVtP7nMC5eTYrsUA8WjXbdhNc8debh1agE9bGiJxWBXYNFbnJXoXhWFMvyqhqhRoq737YQemH5ik9oL7R4NTTCz2LEZhkgLJzB3QRQqJyBNyv7acbdHrAT8nQ9UkLbaVL9NBpnWXBTw4LEMePaSHEw66RzPNdAX1","client_ip":"","client_port":9702,"node_ip":"","node_port":9701,"services":["VALIDATOR"]},"dest":"Gw6pDLhcBcoQesN72qfotTgFa7cbuqZpkX3Xo6pLhPhv"},"metadata":{"from":"Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y"},"type":"0"},"txnMetadata":{"seqNo":1,"txnId":"fea82e10e894419fe2bea7d96296a6d46f50f93f9eeda954ec461b2ed2950b62"},"ver":"1"}
  1. Create /server/afj/mediator.ts based on /samples/mediator.ts from the aries-framework-javascript repository
import { InitConfig } from "@aries-framework/core";

import * as express from "express";
import { Server } from "ws";

import { TestLogger } from "./packages/core/tests/logger";

import {
} from "@aries-framework/core";
import {
} from "@aries-framework/node";

import indyConfig from "./configs/von/pool-config";

const port = 3001;

const app = express();
const socketServer = new Server({ noServer: true });

const endpoints = [`${port}`, `ws://${port}`];

const logger = new TestLogger(;

const agentConfig: InitConfig = {
  label: process.env.AGENT_LABEL || "Private Data Vault",
  walletConfig: {
    id: process.env.WALLET_NAME || "PrivateDataVault",
    key: process.env.WALLET_KEY || "PrivateDataVault",
  autoAcceptProofs: AutoAcceptProof.ContentApproved,
  autoAcceptConnections: true,
  autoAcceptMediationRequests: true,
  indyLedgers: [indyConfig],
  genesisTransactions: indyConfig.genesisTransactions,
  publicDidSeed: "privatedatavaultpublicdidseeddid",
  autoAcceptCredentials: AutoAcceptCredential.ContentApproved,

// Set up agent
const agent = new Agent(agentConfig, agentDependencies);
const config = agent.injectionContainer.resolve(AgentConfig);

// Create transports
const httpInboundTransport = new HttpInboundTransport({ app, port });
const httpOutboundTransport = new HttpOutboundTransport();
const wsInboundTransport = new WsInboundTransport({ server: socketServer });
const wsOutboundTransport = new WsOutboundTransport();

// Register transports

const runAgent = async () => {
  await agent.initialize();

  // forward upgrade on http server to ws server
  httpInboundTransport.server?.on("upgrade", (request, socket, head) => {
    socketServer.handleUpgrade(request, socket, head, (socket) => {
      socketServer.emit("connection", socket, request);
};"/invitation", async (req, res) => {
  if (typeof req.query.c_i === "string") {
    const invitation = await ConnectionInvitationMessage.fromUrl(req.url);
  } else {
    const { invitation } = await agent.connections.createConnection();

    const httpEndpoint = config.endpoints.find((e) => e.startsWith("http"));

    var inv = invitation.toUrl({ domain: httpEndpoint + "/invitation" });


  1. Build and run the mediator.ts file on Node.js with tsc mediator.ts ; node mediator.js
  2. Test that the agent is working
  "@type": "",
  "@id": "28c1e0f5-5c5a-4db3-b8dd-6cb0d817f812",
  "label": "Private Data Vault",
  "recipientKeys": ["BcaCq6w7bfkodb8iLaGKSAs3hFD8JD4uUfSCywuDGTq1"],
  "serviceEndpoint": "ws://",
  "routingKeys": []

The mediator agent is now running on Node.js and able to create connection invitations.

Configuration of edge agent on React Native

  1. Copied the /server/afj/configs folder that contains the VON genesis and pool files to the React Native project at /server/mywallet/configs
  2. Modified the automatically created /server/mywallet/App.js file and added the ability to initialize an agent with a customized wallet label
import {
} from "@aries-framework/core";
import { agentDependencies } from "@aries-framework/react-native";

import React from "react";
import type { Node } from "react";
import { SafeAreaView, StatusBar, Text, View, Button } from "react-native";

import indyConfig from "./configs/von/pool-config";

const App: () => Node = () => {
  const [agent, setAgent] = React.useState(null);
  const [myConnections, setMyConnections] = React.useState([]);

  const initializeAgent = async (walletLabel) => {
    var invite = await fetch("");

    var data = await invite.text();

    const newAgent = new Agent(
        label: "My Wallet " + walletLabel,
        mediatorConnectionsInvite: data,
        mediatorPickupStrategy: MediatorPickupStrategy.Explicit,
        walletConfig: { id: "mywalletid", key: "mywalletkey" },
        autoAcceptConnections: true,
        autoAcceptProofs: AutoAcceptProof.ContentApproved,
        autoAcceptCredentials: AutoAcceptCredential.ContentApproved,
        logger: new ConsoleLogger(LogLevel.trace),
        indyLedgers: [indyConfig],
        genesisTransactions: indyConfig.genesisTransactions,

    const wsTransport = new WsOutboundTransport();
    const httpTransport = new HttpOutboundTransport();


    await newAgent.initialize();


  return (
      <StatusBar barStyle={"light-content"} />
        <Text>My Wallet</Text>
          onPress={() => {
          title="Initialize Agent with name Alice"
          onPress={() => {
          title="Initialize Agent with name Bob"

export default App;
  1. Launched an Android emulator using sudo ./emulator -avd Pixel_3a_API_30_x86 to create a Pixel 3a device
  2. Installed the React Native app on the emulator using npx react-native run-android
  3. Launched a second emulator using sudo ./emulator -avd Pixel_3a_API_30_x86 -read-only to create a second Pixel 3a device (since the same command was used to launch the emulator, the React Native app is already installed on the second emulator when it launches)
  4. Opened the React Native app on both emulators
  5. Both devices display the "My Wallet" application interface which consists of two buttons "Initialize Agent with name Alice" and "Initialize Agent with name Bob"
  6. Tapped "Initialize Agent with name Alice" on the first device and tapped "Initialize Agent with name Bob" on the second device

The React Native "My Wallet" app is now running on both emulated devices.

The first device initialized the agent using the wallet label My Wallet Alice and the second device initialized the agent using the wallet label My Wallet Bob

The My Wallet Alice agent will be now be referred to as Alice's agent and the My Wallet Bob agent will now be referred to as Bob's agent.

Confirming both "My Wallet" React Native app connections to the Node.js mediator

  1. Added a method to the /server/afj/mediator.ts file to list all connections to the mediator"/connections", async (req, res) => {
  var connections = await agent.connections.getAll();

  var conns = [];

  connections.forEach((c, i) => {
      label: c.theirLabel,

  var list = "";

  conns.forEach((conn, i) => {
    list = list + conn.label + `<br />`;

  1. Visit in a browswer to display a list of connections to the mediator
  2. The browswer shows the following output
Private Wallet Alice
Private Wallet Bob

The "My Wallet" React Native app running on both emulators is successfully connected to the Node.js mediator

Establish a mediated connection between the two "My Wallet" React Native apps

  1. Added a method to the /server/mywallet/App.js file to create connection invitations from the React Native app
const createInvite = async () => {
  const { invitation, connectionRecord } =
    await agent.connections.createConnection({
      autoAcceptConnection: true,
      alias: "inviter",

  var inv = invitation.toUrl({
    domain: "" + "/invitation",

  1. Added a variable to store a created invitation
const [agentInvite, setAgentInvite] = React.useState("");
  1. Added a button to call the createInvite() method
    onPress={() => {
    title="Create Invite"
  1. Added a text input field that will serve two purposes:
    onChangeText={(text) => {
  1. Added a method to accept the connection invitation stored in the agentInvite variable
const acceptInvite = async () => {
  agent.connections.receiveInvitationFromUrl(agentInvite, {
    autoAcceptConnection: true,
  1. Added a button to call the acceptInvite() method
    onPress={() => {
    title="Accept Invite"
  1. Pressed the "Create Invite" button Alice's agent
  2. The value of the newly created invitation URL is stored in the agentInvite variable on Alice's agent and appears in the text input field on Alice's agent
  1. Visited the newly created invitation URL in the browser to display its contents
  "@type": "",
  "@id": "583ac34f-07cc-461d-96a4-34dfa3647186",
  "label": "Private Wallet Alice",
  "recipientKeys": ["5UAL8JTiVv7p8jPUQAWUQNGyLNW4Hur1kXDB5y1xVyzh"],
  "serviceEndpoint": "",
  "routingKeys": ["CcwMYws1KJPnUB9D1zLZo47fpCa1ymiPxW3mDN5KTbmY"]
  1. Pasted the newly created invitation URL into the text input field on Bob's agent
  2. Pressed the "Accept Invite" button on Bob's agent

Confirming the connection between the two React Native edge agents

  1. Added a method to the /server/mywallet/App.js file to display a list of connections for the React Native app
const listConnections = async () => {
  var connections = await agent.connections.getAll();

  var connectionList = [];

  connections.forEach((c, i) => {
      name: c.theirLabel,

  1. Added a variable to store the list of connections
const [myConnections, setMyConnections] = React.useState([]);
  1. Added a button to call the getConnections() method
    onPress={() => {
    title="List Connections"
  1. Added a FlatList to display the list of connections
  renderItem={({ item }) => (
    <View style={{ flexDirection: "row", marginBottom: 20 }}>
  keyExtractor={(item) =>}

Pressing "List Connections" on Alice's agent shows the following:

Private Data Vault
Private Wallet Bob

Pressing "List Connections" on Bob's agent shows the following:

Private Data Vault
Private Wallet Alice

The two React Native edge agents have connected succesfully using the invitation that was created by Alice's agent and pasted into Bob's agent.

Basic messaging configuration

  1. Added a method to the /server/mywallet/App.js file to send a basic message to a specified connection ID
const sendMessage = (conn, content) => {
  agent.basicMessages.sendMessage(conn, content);
  1. Added a text input field to type new messages into
    onChangeText={(text) => {
    placeholder="type message here"
  1. Added a variable to store the typed message
const [message, setMessage] = React.useState("");
  1. Added a "Send Message" button to each connection displayed in the FlatList to call the sendMessage() method with the ID of that connection along with the content of the typed message
  renderItem={({ item }) => (
    <View style={{ flexDirection: "row", marginBottom: 20 }}>
        onPress={() => {
          sendMessage(, message);
        title="Send Message"
  keyExtractor={(item) =>}
  1. Added BasicMessageEventsTypes to the list of imports
import { BasicMessageEventTypes } from "@aries-framework/core";
  1. Added a listener for when a basic message is received by the edge agent to display an alert with the content of the basic message, (e) => {
  if (e.payload.basicMessageRecord.role === "receiver") {
  1. Added a listener to the /server/afj/mediator.ts file to log basic messages received by the mediator to the console and respond to the sender with a basic message that says "message received", (e) => {
  if (e.payload.basicMessageRecord.role === "receiver") {
      "message received"

Testing basic messaging between edge agents and the mediator


  1. Typed a message saying "Hello from Alice" into the message text input field on Alice's agent
  2. Pressed the "Send Message" button next to "Private Data Vault" in the list of connections on Alice's agent
  3. The console for the mediator running on Node.js displays "Hello from Alice"
  4. A return message saying "message received" is sent from the mediator to Alice's agent
  5. Alice's agent displays an alert that says "message received"


  1. Typed a message saying "Hello from Bob" into the message text input field on Bob's agent
  2. Pressed the "Send Message" button next to "Private Data Vault" in the list of connections on Bob's agent
  3. The console for the mediator running on Node.js displays "Hello from Bob"
  4. A return message saying "message received" is sent from the mediator to Bob's agent
  5. Bob's agent displays an alert that says "message received"

Both Alice and Bob can successfully exchange basic messages with the mediator.

Testing basic messaging between the two edge agents

Alice to Bob

  1. Typed a message saying "Hello Bob this is Alice" into the message text input field on Alice's agent
  2. Pressed "Send Message" next to "Private Wallet Bob" in the list of connections on Alice's agent
  3. Bob's agent displays an alert that says "Hello Bob this is Alice"

Bob to Alice

  1. Typed a message saying "Hello Alice this is Bob" into the message text input field on Bob's agent
  2. Pressed "Send Message" next to "Private Wallet Alice" in the list of connections on Bob's agent
  3. Alice's agent displays an alert that says "Hello Alice this is Bob"

Both Alice's agent and Bob's agent can successfully exchange basic messages with each other.

Registering a new schema and credential definition on the ledger

The Indy ledger running on the local VON network is permissioned to ony allow Trust Anchors or Trustees to write to it.

The DID and Verkey of the Node.js mediator agent must be registered / authenticated as an endorser via the VON webserver UI before the mediator will be allowed to write to the ledger.

  1. Created a method in `/server/afj/mediator.ts' to retrieve the mediator's public DID and Verkey"/publicdid", async (req, res) => {
  1. Visited in a browser to display the public DID and Verkey for the mediator
  "did": "HJUyRbeMTesrgShkNqbAYP",
  "verkey": "9tKZRphq5Jwoo79CVnTEv75fXQ3BQzBqFquWGARM9bUx"
  1. Visited the VON webserver UI located at and performed the following steps in the "Authenticate a New DID" section of the UI:
  1. Clicked the "Domain" link under the "Ledger State" section of the UI
  2. The ledger shows a new entry with the following data displayed under the "Transaction" header of the new entry
Type: NYM
Nym: HJUyRbeMTesrgShkNqbAYP
Verkey: 9tKZRphq5Jwoo79CVnTEv75fXQ3BQzBqFquWGARM9bUx

The Node.js mediator is now successfully registered as an Endorser on the ledger with permission to write new entries to the ledger.

Next the mediator must create and register a new schema and credential definition on the ledger.

  1. Created a function in /server/afj/mediator.ts to register the schema
const registerSchema = (agent: Agent) =>
    name: `Person`,
    version: "1.0.0",
    attributes: ["FullName", "Phone"],
  1. Created a function in /server/afj/mediator.ts to register the credential definition
const registerCredentialDefinition = (agent: Agent, schema: Schema) =>
    tag: "latest",
    supportRevocation: true,
  1. Created a method in /server/afj/mediator.ts to call the registerSchema() and registerCredentialDefinition() functions"/createschema", async (req, res) => {
  const schema = await registerSchema(agent);
  const credentialDefinition = await registerCredentialDefinition(
  res.send("schema and credential definition registered");
  1. Visited in a browser
  2. Visited the VON webserver UI located at and clicked the "Domain" link under the "Ledger State" section of the UI
  3. The ledger shows two new entries

The first new entry is for the schema and contains the following information under the "Transaction" header

Schema name: Person
Schema version: 1.0.0
Schema attributes:
• FullName
• Phone

The first new entry on the ledger has a "Transaction ID" value of HJUyRbeMTesrgShkNqbAYP:2:Neighbor:1.0.0 under its "Message Wrapper" section. This value is the schema ID.

The second new entry is for the credential definition and contains the following information under the "Transaction" header

Reference: 7
Signature type: CL
Tag: latest
• master_secret
• fullname
• phone

The second new entry on the ledger has a "Transaction ID" value of HJUyRbeMTesrgShkNqbAYP:3:CL:7:latest under its "Message Wrapper" section. This value is the credential definition ID.

The schema and credential definition are now successfully registered on the ledger.

Issuing credentials from the Node.js mediator to the React Native edge agents

  1. Created a method in /server/afj/mediator.ts to offer a credential based on the newly created credential definition with ID HJUyRbeMTesrgShkNqbAYP:3:CL:7:latest to a specific connection by supplying the following query parameters:"/offer", async (req, res) => {
  var conn = req.query.connection;

  var definitionID = "HJUyRbeMTesrgShkNqbAYP:3:CL:7:latest";

  const credentialPreview = CredentialPreview.fromRecord({
    Phone: "None",

  await agent.credentials.offerCredential(conn, {
    credentialDefinitionId: definitionID,
    preview: credentialPreview,

  res.send("credential offered");
  1. Added a method to the /server/afj/mediator.ts file to list all connections to the mediator as links to the /offer method with the connection's ID as the connection query parameter and a shortened version of the agent's label as the name query parameter"/offerlist", async (req, res) => {
  var connections = await agent.connections.getAll();

  var conns = [];

  connections.forEach((c, i) => {
      label: c.theirLabel,

  var list = "";

  conns.forEach((conn, i) => {
    // use only the last part of the connection label as the "name" query parameter to be used as the "Name" attribute when issuing the credential
    // "Private Wallet Alice" becomes "Alice" and "Private Wallet Bob" becomes "Bob"
    var shortName = conn.label.split(" ")[2];

    // create a link to the /offer method with the connection ID as the "connection" query parameter and the shortened label as the "name" query parameter
    list =
      list +
      `<a href="` + +
      `&name=` +
      shortName +
      `">` +
      conn.label +
      `</a><br />`;

  1. Added CredentialEventTypes to the list of imports for the React Native edge agent
import { CredentialEventTypes } from "@aries-framework/core";
  1. Added a listener to the edge agent that will listen for credential offers and accept them
  async ({ payload }: CredentialStateChangedEvent) => {
    if (payload.credentialRecord.state === CredentialState.OfferReceived) {
  1. Visited to display a list of the mediator's connections as links to the /offer method resulting in the following output
<a href="">Issue credential to Private Wallet Alice</a>
<a href="">Issue credential to Private Wallet Bob</a>
  1. Clicked the link titled "Issue credential to Alice" to call the /offer method and issue a credential to Alice's agent with the "Name" attribute having a value of "Alice"
  2. Imported the Buffer library to decode the credential data which is provided in base64
import { Buffer } from "buffer";
  1. Created a method in /server/mywallet/App.js of the React Native app to decode any credentials the agent has received and log them to the console
const showCredentials = async () => {
  var credentials = await agent.credentials.getAll();

  credentials.forEach((c, i) => {
    if (c.state === "done") {
      var s = Buffer.from(
      var sp = JSON.parse(s);
      console.log(JSON.stringify(sp.values, null, 2));

  return false;
  1. Created a button to call the showCredentials() method
    onPress={() => {
    title="Show Credentials"
  1. Pressed the "Show Credentials" button on Alice's agent to log the credential received from the mediator to the console resulting in the following output in the console
  "schema_id": "HJUyRbeMTesrgShkNqbAYP:2:Person:1.0.0",
  "cred_def_id": "HJUyRbeMTesrgShkNqbAYP:3:CL:7:latest",
  "rev_reg_id": null,
  "values": {
    "Name": {
      "raw": "Alice",
      "encoded": "49134673262984350012203662936972218187780495801618915546443112853445148770448"
  "signature": {
    "p_credential": {
      "m_2": "76092918671082413225206030085402336436948677394289535359059308875779241743382",
      "a": "10423598576783233265270818089957266406991114630011914353583266141408488991894647945752982508933783796949169509843591780929535780819619194812735176485369151515807341173514262541798505127910940009944844767491139121412767402761133032911229326871289208700364209836853327919536420064125060049912518767595324239371736669060222086085331830954339396180867530055976844001861270821405288100540643093466496589705102304146934651831215596407338087822828411757276870056477606949302739956154301273379177379917153098374681628245718608288944517279488445313736909681346493962261130541245467992909835209086231008115370704281325330918825",
      "e": "259344723055062059907025491480697571938277889515152306249728583105665800713306759149981690559193987143012367913206299323899696942213235956742930076853569989116441333963922006014813",
      "v": "5220185797045082548314232643500235417996463517433225198460165875693179296576285879219216410847081406095193848339501569049134435400099326154323123894037272866740279248935600732380800492678910869510961744421687244711203202543613005729237703834091168978421413308884686493953804126946690636665971013617689934765226516320115208625820176544759291198337391653211132083794675253250671299749030178402766654457984549542202573287963303145088719151432916828992472098783742560673341581521665459561407198660441420947248958804708836806564801249440485158423606207128312775842437255538446147107035260419629257122542841896696586001251492168978175447029368613220771569786144373979537979848545803425589258086097921284870876652639117534024014438879541125215226022969347562299852323455218351949630537433167024751657672908556710616811109998499"
    "r_credential": null
  "signature_correctness_proof": {
    "se": "13832383249391622270697153024037102999325064059393813703137547000669371745548580217683165507738473366773591663799660304141541083591009553188032105212220578272890863069531526807379620154661445412755700440071447592871454415264801496507310982907084800277324805256716882791567315366689149543165026886112829706479891873023365411826129422764118954398088622890964848647139086439736156494300340386976715499174197711943847811055584824878345916377426092707005438272124999831720640383454745536251062640017881724132418681520850102476293953527104432778744712937740500340950900126763991273163515998138950429572173044115915387983988",
    "c": "50780147548059214428577806855475787157956488583197774544606194457608437769429"
  "rev_reg": null,
  "witness": null
  1. The credential that was logged to the console contains the following keys that match the schema ID and credential definition ID
"schema_id": "HJUyRbeMTesrgShkNqbAYP:2:Person:1.0.0",
"cred_def_id": "HJUyRbeMTesrgShkNqbAYP:3:CL:7:latest"
  1. The credential that was logged to the console contains a key called "values" that contains an object with a key called "Name" with a raw value of "Alice"

Alice has successfully been issued a credential by the Node.js mediator for the credential definition with ID of HJUyRbeMTesrgShkNqbAYP:3:CL containing a value of "Alice" for the "Name" attribute.

Make a request from one edge agent to the other edge agent asking for proof of a credential

  1. Created a requestProof() method in the /server/mywallet/App.js file to request proof of a credential from a connection with "Name" as the only requested attribute
const requestProof = async (conn) => {
  var pr = await agent.proofs.requestProof(
      requestedAttributes: {
        person_name: { name: "Name", restrictions: [] },
        phone: { name: "Phone", restrictions: [] },
      autoAcceptProof: true,
  1. Added a "Request Proof" button to each connection displayed in the FlatList to call the requestProof() method with the ID of that connection
  renderItem={({ item }) => (
    <View style={{ flexDirection: "row", marginBottom: 20 }}>
        onPress={() => {
          sendMessage(, message);
        title="Send Message"
        onPress={() => {
        title="Request Proof"
  keyExtractor={(item) =>}
  1. Added ProofEventTypes to the list of imports for the React Native edge agent
import { ProofEventTypes } from "@aries-framework/core";
  1. Added a listener to /server/mywallet/App.js to accept incoming proof requests received by the edge agent and present proof to the edge agent that requested the proof <
  ProofStateChangedEvent >
  async (event) => {
    var payload = event.payload;

    if (payload.proofRecord.state === "request-received") {
      const creds = await agent.proofs.getRequestedCredentialsForProofRequest(

      const automaticRequestedCreds =
        await myAgent.proofs.autoSelectCredentialsForProofRequest(creds, {
          filterByPresentationPreview: true,

      await myAgent.proofs.acceptRequest(,
  1. Pressed the "Request Proof" button on Bob's agent next to the "Private Wallet Alice" connection

  2. A proof request is created and sent to Alice's agent

  3. The results of autoSelectCredentialsForProofRequest() display a matching set of requested attributes when logged to the console:

  "requested_attributes": {
    "fullname": {
      "cred_id": "d163265d-3808-40c1-9fb3-3b3ae7d85ecc",
      "revealed": true
    "phone": {
      "cred_id": "d163265d-3808-40c1-9fb3-3b3ae7d85ecc",
      "revealed": true
  "requested_predicates": {},
  "self_attested_attributes": {}
  1. The proper credential and requested attributes have been retrieved and next the request will be accepted and a response will be sent to Bob's agent by this code:
await myAgent.proofs.acceptRequest(,
  1. In the console on Bob's agent the following requested proof is displayed:
  "requested_proof": {
    "revealed_attrs": {
      "fullname": {
        "sub_proof_index": 0,
        "raw": "Alice",
        "encoded": "89726007198401840605074565745888726433925488607221336232242457427649158911824"
      "phone": {
        "sub_proof_index": 0,
        "raw": "None",
        "encoded": "43392548860722133623224245742764915891182489726007198401840605074565745888726"
    "self_attested_attrs": {},
    "unrevealed_attrs": {},
    "predicates": {}
  "identifiers": [
      "schema_id": "HJUyRbeMTesrgShkNqbAYP:2:Connection:1.0.0",
      "cred_def_id": "HJUyRbeMTesrgShkNqbAYP:3:CL:7:latest",
      "rev_reg_id": null,
      "timestamp": null
  1. Modified the listener to /server/mywallet/App.js to accept incoming proof presentations: <
  ProofStateChangedEvent >
  async (event) => {
    var payload = event.payload;

    if (payload.proofRecord.state === "request-received") {
      const creds = await agent.proofs.getRequestedCredentialsForProofRequest(

      const automaticRequestedCreds =
        await myAgent.proofs.autoSelectCredentialsForProofRequest(creds, {
          filterByPresentationPreview: true,

      await myAgent.proofs.acceptRequest(,

    if (payload.proofRecord.state === "presentation-received") {
      var attached =

      var s = Buffer.from(attached, "base64").toString();
      var sp = JSON.parse(s);

      if (payload.proofRecord.isVerified) {
        var vc = {
          connection: payload.proofRecord.connectionId,
          fullname: sp.requested_proof.revealed_attrs.fullname.raw,

        //We can do something here now that we know the credential is valid.
  1. Bob's agent displays an alert with the following text: Verified

  2. Everything works as it should.

Alice and Bob can now exchange messages and verify each other's credentials.

If either Alice or Bob sends a message to the other while the other does not have the "My Wallet" application open the message will be queued at the mediator until the person the message is intended for opens their "My Wallet" application and it connects to the mediator.